Preview Area

On an empty scene you will see the left menu, but if you right-click a visible source in the preview area, you will see the menu on the right:

Add Scene


Allows you to start a fullscreen "preview/projection" of your current scene on a different Monitor.

Fullscreen Preview Mode

Allows you to start a fullscreen "preview" of your current scene on the current Monitor the OBS window is on. You can still edit your scene and view the control panel if wanted.

Scale to fit mode OR 1:1 Mode

Scale to fit means your scene will be scaled to fit the size of your preview, while in 1:1 mode, OBS ignores the preview Area size and uses your Base resolution to render the scene at its original size.

Enable View

Enable or disable the preview.

Enable Control Panel

Enable or disable the bottom Control Panel area.

Source options

All usual source options are available. (Add, order, size, position, etc.)